The thin-line of distinction exhibited by instructional technology from educational technology
As digital education is on the rise now, it becomes significant to understand the different concepts associated with that. Educational technology is popularly abbreviated as EdTech, which is ensuring education at times of dire need. Several EdTech companies are emerging and appearing to extend educational facilities that are otherwise not available. Instructional technology is not absolutely different from educational technology but is considered to be a tool that is described by EdTech.
Basic Difference
The fine line of difference that exists between educational technology and instructional technology is very simple if one only knows to identify them. While instructional technology aims to fulfil the criterions of digital education and enhance the teaching and learning process, educational technology facilitates the process to glide further digital education objectives. Instructional technology to a great extent involves the employment of EdTech to proceed with digital education. On the other hand, education technology as a broader concept expands to the source of technology used for digital education to facilitate the process. EdTech includes both theoretical aspects as well as applied subjects, which makes it even more flexible whereas instructional technology is based on delivering lessons over the medium without helping grow them.
Difference in Purpose
Teaching and learning is the main objective of instructional technology, however, educational technology reflects the knowledge of technology and related ideas to expand the opportunities of digital education. Instructional technology is used to enhance the learning experience and certainly augments the quality of communication in learning. By employing technology for delivering lessons, so that the concept becomes comprehensive to the students, instructional technology exists. Contradictorily, educational technology is more about how the digital education environment can be increasingly improved with advanced technologies. The creation of digital platforms based on software and hardware to facilitate better delivery of knowledge gives rise to innovative EdTech companies.
Scope of Improvement in Both
Although instructional technology behaves from the consumer side of EdTech, it plays a crucial role in encouraging educational technology to grow. As instructional technology uses technology in both digital education as well in in-person education, it multiplies the opportunities for educational technology. Be it any field of study instructional technology is present as it complements the traditional process of education, unlike educational technology that attempts to replace. Educational technology assumes various qualities demonstrated throughout the process of education to flourish itself such as assessment, cognitive psychology, sharing study material and many more to implement new techniques to ease out the manual labor. Therefore, as instructional technology aims at improving learning outcomes, educational technology develops new tools with the help of applied sciences to augment education.
Educational and Instructional Technologist
As instructional technologists, one has to identify the loopholes in the education process and mend them with the digital education tools available. Implement solutions to the problems identified in the teaching-learning process so as to make it flawless and useful for learners. Staying updated with EdTech companies to assume devices, ideas, people and procedures to improve general terms of education.
Activities an educational technologist is subjected to are planning and developing better instructional technology and materials. Being able to regulate computing technologies entitled for instructions. Extending different and easier ways to facilitate learning resources communication. Engaging in research activities to perceive how learning can be further benefitted and liberalized from traditional pressures. Moreover, comprehending the cognitive theories to come up with a useful idea for improving EdTech.
EdTech And TechEd
Educational technology operates largely on the shoulder of Technology of Education (EdTech) and Technology in Education (TechEd). While EdTech refers to the use of technology to deliver educational purposes and aid the learning process to be more comprehensive, TechEd is the field of study that deals with computer science, programming and other technological innovations. TechEd empowers its learners to become self-dependent when it comes to innovative technologies for their assistance. This is an important distinction as instructional technology and educational technology both are affected by EdTech and TechEd, thus, establishing an interdependence of all the aspects.