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Sunny Varkey’s Initiative to Improve Educational Outcomes

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Sunny Varkey has initiated an independent school to improve student learning and global education

Sunny Varkey, a businessman in the field of educational learning and a philanthropist, established the Global Independent Schools Association as the very first worldwide organization to promote K–12 independent schools to improve student learning and sustainable development goal for global education. The organization was formed with an emergency need for increased educational learning between both the independent schools sector and states in aid to improve student learning for global education from Mr. Varkey, the creator of GEMS Education. Importantly, Global Independent Schools Association wants to be recognized as a valuable partner in attaining SDG4: delivering equitable and inclusive global education for everyone by 2030.

This independent organization aims to organize, promote, and provide support to the 350 million children’s global education in the K–12 independent school system, particularly 52% of high school students in South Asia and 45% of elementary school students in Latin America.

The effectiveness attempts to improve student learning, sustainable development goal, and promote global education which will be increased by this first-hand experience with teaching children from a diverse range of cultures. It is crucial to encourage the independent school sector to speak out for the common good. For individuals without the need for a good education and future-ready skills, the economy of tomorrow would be merciless.

The program, which is backed by the Global Partnership for Education and put into action by the Varkey Foundation, combines rigorous face-to-face coaching for school administrators with sponsored time within the classroom to invent different methods, as well as core teaching materials that are intended to build leadership with the skills and competencies to drive continual educational learning and improve student learning.

The program will produce leaders of a high caliber who will use their power and impact to successfully lead schools and advance learning-centered management to, among other things, improve student learning and sustainable development goal throughout the independent schools.

Members of the Global Independent Schools Association will reflect the diversity of the populations they serve by offering first-hand knowledge of educational learning from all conceivable socioeconomic, cultural, and geographic backgrounds. They will collaborate with governments to accomplish their financial and educational aims.

Independent schools frequently serve as hubs of innovation, introducing fresh approaches to teaching, pedagogy, and technology. Global Independent Schools Association members have a wealth of knowledge and best practices that can be shared for the benefit of independent schools and public schools for global education. Independent schools can have a stronger influence on educational learning by functioning efficiently in a variety of crucial areas, from assisting in teachers’ career growth to utilizing the most recent technological advancements in learning and instruction.

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