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Robots in the Classroom: How Does it Help Autistic Children?

Robots in the classroom are truly beneficial but how does this advanced technology help children with autism?

About 1 in every 160 children globally has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In the US, the rate is nearly triple, likely due to diagnostic and reporting differences. The developmental disability is often characterized by social, emotional, and communication challenges. Developing academic, communication, and social interaction skills can be a significant challenge for some children living with autism spectrum disorder and/or an intellectual disability. Frequently, these kids require additional assistance to enhance their competence in these areas. Much of this support is provided through digital technology (like robots in the classroom) where the learning environment is judgment-free and many children feel more engaged and at ease. There are many things’ children can learn with the help of robots. Robotics companies are working really hard to create best-in-class robots for autism children. Robots dealing ASD allow children to take part in activities that make them feel they are in control of creation. They learn to brainstorm and put together machines using various kits. Robots for autism children help them learn new skills such as problem-solving.

Here is how robots in the classroom can help kids suffering from autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and what are the things robotics companies are doing to enhance the quality of education for such students:

Social Narratives

Throughout the curriculum, robots in the classroom present narratives that interpret social circumstances in detail, bringing out appropriate cues and offering examples of relevant responding. Robots dealing ASD can be personalized according to student necessities and, importantly, are always illustrated in an emotionally safe, positive way.

Verbal and Visual Prompting

Verbal, gestural, or physical prompts assist students as they develop or immerse in targeted manners and abilities. These prompts are generally provided by robots in the classroom, the related applications, and an adult prior or as the student attempts to use an ability. Like core vocabulary, these prompts remain compatible throughout modules.

Visual Supports

When paired with spoken words, visual supports have been indicated to enhance the facilitation of knowledge and communication between students and instructors. With each module, robots for autism children use multiple, consistent visual supports – including, facial expressivity, chest screen icons, and application-based interactivity – to encourage and reinforce target manners and abilities.

Video and Natural Modeling

Robotics companies have created many videos, structured to clearly demonstrate required target behaviors and abilities. Robots dealing ASD acts as narrators, describe various things to the student. As the student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) progresses through the curriculum, the video sensors allow the educator to extend the learning by creating video self-models.

Core Vocabulary

Robots in the classroom allow the student to repeat target words/concepts across multiple contexts and situations and is a core factor in improving generalization.

Social Skills Training

Practice makes perfect, right? Mastery requires instruction on basic concepts, role-playing or practice, and feedback in order to help students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) acquire appropriate communication, play, and social skills. Robotics companies are doing an excellent job in providing better education and skills with the help of robots for autism children.