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The Scene of Girl Students in the Technical education Landscape of India

The Scene of Girl Students in the Technical education Landscape of India

women education and technical education in india: know more

Dr. Shabistan Gaffar, Chairperson of the Committee on Girls Education at the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions, discusses the significance of technical education for Women’s education in India. Women’s education in India has received a lot of attention in all Five Year Plans, with a focus on technical and vocational education to help women become better homemakers and economically independent. Additionally, it aims to significantly improve women‘s quality of life.As a result, women‘s polytechnic education is a crucial component of education.

According to the Women Education 1937 report, women definitely have the ability to help the country grow and develop. As a result, it is imperative that appropriate measures be taken to expand women‘s access to vocational and technical education. Even though the report’s recommendations were not implemented by the British government, the Indian government took action to improve women‘s status after independence by establishing the National Women Council and publishing its report in 1956-1957.The report stated that only 4% of girls were receiving an education. Women‘s access to vocational and technical education was emphasized in this report. With the establishment of a women‘s polytechnic during the Second Five-Year Plan, women‘s technical education received some attention. It was started as part of a program for women‘s welfare on the advice of the National Council for Women’s education.

While Muslim women’s education was superior to India’s average literacy rate in the pre-independence era, women’s education expanded fairly in the post-independence era. According to the Programme of Action of 1986 (National Policy of Education), women‘s literacy rates increased from 4% in 1951 to 7.93% in 1981, reaching 24.82 percent. It reached 39.42 percent in 1991 (Aajkal 1991).Institutions for girls’ education and technical education were established later than those for boys for sociocultural and socioeconomic reasons. In 1937, the first co-educational polytechnic was opened.

Following a recommendation from the National Council for Women, two polytechnics for women were established in Delhi and Bangalore around 1961.These institutions’ primary function was definitely one of development as well as social welfare.

The 2001 National Policy for Women‘s Empowerment aimed to change society’s attitudes toward women and empower women. Giving women equal access to healthcare, high-quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance, employment, equal pay, safety, social security, public office, etc. was one of this policy’s main goals.

Only 10% of the workforce in India receives skill training, compared to 96% in Korea, 88% in Japan, 75% in Germany, 68% in the United Kingdom, and others. The candidates are having a lot of trouble in their jobs as a result of the lack of appropriate skill training. International organizations claim that 48 percent of jobs in India are hard to fill. It is higher than the worldwide average of 34%.93% of the workforce is employed in the unorganized or informal sector, which lacks a structural skill development system, according to GOI estimates.

The capacity for skill development is uneven across the nation. Eastern states have very few people per capita compared to northern states like Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab, which are influenced by regional characteristics. The number of vocational training centers is higher in industrialized nations.